I know, firsthand, that building a Custom Construction Project in Florida is a daunting task for all involved. 🚩 Typical Builders struggle with Project Management in a difficult market, which comes at the direct expense of their Clients. You, and your Project, deserve better.
I am personally involved through the entirety of each Project and am directly accessible to all Clients, at all times. I bring my Midwest work ethic, knack for anticipating problems, analytical skills and attention-to-detail to bear on every Project. By being ethical, objective and fair, I’m able to resolve problems quickly. I guarantee rapid response to all inquiries – your Project will NEVER be held up by me. Importantly, I am not beholden to anyone except you – my Client.
No matter where you’re at in the process – just starting to scribble design ideas on napkins or about to write a Final Payment check to a Builder – you need someone in your corner that you can count on to always look out for your best interests. Whether we build FOR you, “WITH” you or act “AS” you, that someone is NCHCC.
Please call, text or email me anytime to help with your Project!
Mike Swanson
Naples Custom Home Cost Consulting
649 5th Avenue S, Suite#: 200 – Naples, FL 34102